The First Baptist Church of Memphis has had a longstanding partnership with fellow Baptist churches in the rural communities of El Coco, El Tanque and San Isidro, which are located in the mountains along the Guatemalan border. The churches of these three communities have close ties with one another and often times work together to serve their communities. The primary focus has been to work with the children in the communities. El Salvador is the second poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere and poverty is apparent in these rural areas. The mission has been two-fold, to meet physical needs and to meet spiritual needs by sharing about God our Creator and Jesus Christ our Savior. The ministries are carried out with the help of translators as we team with members of the local churches to serve the children of their communities. One of the greatest experiences of our mission trips is working side by side with Christian brothers and sisters from another culture who share a common goal in serving Christ.

We are also partnered with the Christian school affiliated with the First Baptist Church of Chalchuapa. We have been blessed to provide annual scholarships for children in need, by providing offerings for various needs of the school and by the greater work of supporting the staff and students continually through prayer and seeing God’s hand working in the ministry.

If you are interested in getting involved or going to El Salvador with us we’d love to hear from you — contact the church office: (660) 465-2060 and visit us on facebook for more pictures.